Nepalese Doctors’ Association UK (NDA UK)
We are a socio-professional and charitable organization which promotes and supports medical education and health improvement projects, through independent and collaborative efforts in the UK and Nepal.
Upcoming NDAUK Events
NDAUK Charity Events 2025 | Mission Manang 2025
NDAUK Resident Doctors’ Conference 2025 -London | May 10, 2025
40th NDAUK Annual Meeting 2025 -Durham | 25-27 July, 2025
Call for all sponsors interested in participating in our events for the upcoming year.
Please contact our Joint Secretary on jointsecretary@ndauk.org.uk for further details.
NDAUK International Surgical Skills Simulation Course 2024
Karnali - Jumla, Nepal
22 November, 2024
Awarded 6 CPD hours by Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
The course completed acheiving the targets for the course.
NDAUK Rasuwa Project 2024
Jibjibe Community Hospital
Rasuwa, Nepal
NDAUK Rasuwa Trip 2024 | Jibjibe Rural Hospital, Rasuwa
NDA UK lead a trip to the remote Rasuwa district in Nepal to aid in healthcare for the local communities in the local area by educating the local doctors, providing essential healthcare equipment and local community fieldwork.
As a part of the project, Team NDAUK lead by chairman Dr Sanjeeb Nepali, visited Jibjibe Hospital to conduct a health camp along with education and equipment donation activities (donations equivalent to £7881.09 = NPR 1,350,771.54 Ex Rate as per 3/12/2024)
Thank you all donors for their generous donations. We are grateful for all the volunteer clinicians who spared their time for this event.
Primary NDA Team:
Dr Sanjeeb Nepali
Dr Ravi Pant
Dr Shiv Kumar Gurung
Dr Shradha Limbu
NDAUK International Medical Teaching Series (NDAUK IMTS 2023)
We are back with our Monthly Online free Teaching Series Tailored for IMGs.
PLAB and Beyond: Specialty Series
Topic: UK Training Applications
Date: 17th June 2023 11:00 BST (15:45pm NST)
The event was a huge success. Stay tuned for new webinars.
2nd NDAUK Surgical Skills Course- Hull 2023
We are excited to bring to you our second face to face “Basic Surgical Skills course” for trainees interested in pursuing a career in surgical related specialties in the UK.
2 slots are booked for Members of NDA-UK and will be funded by NDA-UK for the course fee. Please contact Mr Bishow Karki on bishow.karki1@nhs.net
Date: 10th June, 2023
Venue: Suture Centre, Suite 22, Castle Hill Hospital, Castle Road, Cottingham, HU16 5JQ
Fee: £90 (2 sponsored slots for NDAUK Members)
Prof Thomas McCaughey Airway Workshop at Shree Birendra Hospital, Kathmandu organised in Collaboration with Health Exchange Nepal (HEXN).
Nepal Critical Care Development Foundation (NCCDF) in association with Society of Anaesthesiologist of Nepal (SAN) , Health Exchange Nepal (HEXN) and NDA(UK) oraganised a Symposium on "Perioperative Patient Safety" at Indreni Foodland , New Baneshwor.
We have supported the first laparoscopic surgery course endorsed by RCS Edinburgh in Pokhara, Manipal Medical College, with Dr Pradeep Ghimire and his team and Health Exchange Nepal (HEXN).
NDA UK Chairman leads surgical training and charity work in Nepal
The UK team led by Dr Kamal Raj Aryal, Chairman of NDA UK have completed their Mission
of training, teaching and helping the School in remote village in Nepal and are returning
back to UK.
The team included Prof Mike Griffin, President of the Royal College of Surgeons of
Edinburgh, Mr Stuart Clark Dean of the International post graduate deanery Royal College
of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Mr Jeremy Ward, Chairman Health Exchange Nepal, Mr
Christopher Ball, Consultant Surgeon, Royal Preston Hospital and Mr Ken Walker,
Consultant Surgeon, Ringmore Hospital, Inverness. This was collaboration project amongst
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, Nepalese Doctors Association UK, Health Exchange
Nepal UK and several institutions in Nepal.
On 20 th September the team conducted ‘Future Surgeons Course’ at the Army Academy of
Health Sciences in Sanobhryang attended by 25 final year medical students and interns
from various parts of Nepal with excellent feedback. It helped them to acquire necessary
practical skills to become surgeons in the future.
On 21-23 September ‘Laparoscopic Surgery Course’ (key hole) was held at Dhulikhel
Hospital attended by 20 young surgeons. This was 8 th course with last one being held back
in 2019. Last 2 years this could not be held due to COVID. Also the same course was held in
Manipal Teaching Hospital in Pokhara on 29-30 September attended by 19 young
surgeons. This was second tome the team conducted the course outside Dhulikhel. The
team has trained more than 160 trainees in this speciality during the last 10 years and the
impact of this have been published in scientific journals.
As surgeon, in addition to above technical skills, non technical skills such as decision
making, team working, communication, leadership are equally important. With that in
mind, the team in collaboration with Department of Surgical gastroenterology at Tribhuvan
University Hospital, conducted Non Technical Skills for Surgeons (NOTSS) course on 24
September in Hotel Yellow Pagoda in Kathmandu attended by 30 surgeons.
The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh had very good presence in surgical training in
Nepal until the Royal Massacre. FRCS examinations and diploma ceremonies used be held
in Nepal. The surgical standards had improved. The team is trying to reinvigorate this link,
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh regional forum was held at Hotel Radisson on 24 th
September attended by 70 Surgeons and WHO representative to Nepal. The programme
included workshops on how the College can support surgery in Nepal, postgraduate
surgical training for Nepalese Surgeons in UK and simulation in surgery.
NDA UK inaugurated the science lab and library at Bhagawati MV School in Darbung,
Gorkha on 1 Oct 2022. This was supported with funds raised following charity dinner
conducted in April 2022 in Norwich where His excellency Mr Gyan Chandra Acharya, UK
ambassador to UK was the chief Guest.